Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Earth Day Cleanup

This Saturday, Hunter and I cleaned up the woods near where Green St. meets Hilldale Road here in Ashland. Here's a picture of all of the recyclables we collected (not including trash):

As you can tell, that's quite a haul! We must have picked up at least 75 nips. And all while avoiding Poison Ivy. A nice showing for Hunter's first active Earth Day.


Joel said...

There's a story -- or at least a short story -- in that bottle of conditioner. Well, not literally in the bottle. You know.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Hunter and Todd! It reminds me of how we always take a plastic bag with us when we go to the beach to collect the trash.


gibsonmeigs said...

It really is amazing the things that people will throw away in the forest. Conditioner bottles. Teeth Whitener solutions. Propane tanks. TV dinner boxes. Childrens' toys. There's probably a story about the entire community here!