Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Don't Know What to Think

I've stopped paying close attention to the health care debate, because it's been going on way too long and trying to understand all of the different options that are in play is very confusing. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

1. Having a government run, single-payer health care system is the best way to lower health care costs. The only reason we're not seeing this happen is that the insurance lobby has too many senators in their pockets.

2. Joe Lieberman is a despicable hypocrite whose only logic for acting like he is - other than perhaps the allure of Hartford insurance money - is that he wants to stick it to liberals. Not the millions of lives that are affected by not being able to afford health insurance.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your government at work!

3. Any health care reform is better than none. As Matt Yglesias puts it in a very astute analysis:
But had the left taken the advice of the wonks and surrendered earlier—in particular, had Harry Reid not included a public option in his merged version of the health care bill—then I think Lieberman et. al. might well have dreamed up something else to oppose. As it stands, the level-playing field public option took a bullet for the team. And consequently, millions of currently uninsured Americans are closer than ever to having insurance and the rest of us are closer than ever to having a sense of security that if our own insurance goes away we won’t be left high and dry.

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