Friday, August 14, 2009

Bella Update

So Bella's surgery to replace her ACL in her left knee was successful, thank goodness. I detailed the details of the procedure here.

She had a soft purple cast on for a few days, but that's off now and you can see the stictches holding the incision together. This exposure to the air means not only that it will heal faster, but also that she can now lick and chew the wound, so she's had to wear an Elizabethian collar to keep her away from it. Suprisingly, after the first night, she's been remarkably good with it, so all is progressing nicely for now.

The plan is to remove the stitches on Thursday, and her unforced inactivity will continue until at least a week from this Monday. After that, we start the "rehab", which basically means taking her for short walks and helping her to regain her strength in the knee. This short walk period is supposed to last at last four weeks, but as my friend Amy sez, there's a good chance that she'll heal much faster. At this point, I'm thinking that she should be back to as normal as possible by Hunter's birthday.

I'll post some pix when I'm online (not on the iPhone). The cut looks nasty, so we'll have to see what the scar looks like.

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