Monday, June 8, 2009

Paid Parental Leave

Matt Yglesias points out a sad truth about the U.S.:

It's standard for countries to offer a certain amount of mandatory paid parental leave as a recognition of the special role parents play in our society (in effect, this measure lowers everyone’s wages slightly and then provides a benefit only to parents, thus enacting a small transfer of resources from non-parents to parents). In the United States, everything must surrender beneath the all-powerful God of flexible labor markets, and "pro-family" conservatives seem fine with that.

I might add that these same "flexible labor markets" are the same ones that dump employees at the first sign of trouble, so I don't understand why we shouldn't push for some basic benefits as part of this trade off. Plus, as I keep hearing these days, our economy is based upon people spending their discretionary income; so if you want new parents - a large portion of society! - to spend more, you should give them incentives and tools to do so, rather then forcing them to spend their vacation time and money to stay home with their newborns.

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