Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Diaper Mushrooms

As someone that tries very hard to be ecologically minded, my guiltiest fault is that I've been exclusively using disposable diapers for my kids. I did try using some cloth diapers when Hunter was young, but not only was it disgusting them, but it just added to the relentless mountains of laundry that fill my house.

The answer? According to Grist, mushrooms:
A team of researchers has come up with an excuse for switching back to disposable diapers. They found that within 2 months, oyster mushrooms will consume 90 percent of a disposable diaper. Within four months, the entire thing is gone.
Plus, the resulting mushrooms are safe to eat for anyone who can look past their origins. It's like a double sustainability rainbow.


Sara said...

Now doesn't that make you want to go buy and eat some mushrooms...yummy.

gibsonmeigs said...

Ha! Now I know why you were picking the mushrooms out of your lunch yesterday...