Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Strong is Sexy

Shani asks an excellent question: Why Don’t Lady Superheroes Have Muscles? (Complete with photo evidence from the upcoming Wonder Woman television series!) Her conclusion: women superheroes aren’t buff because in order to be traditionally sexy and feminine, they just can’t be. A Wonder Woman with powerful muscles would be intimidating to fanboys, not attractive. Plus, as a working actress, Palicki can’t afford to be “too buff” when she wants to be cast other roles — a problem I doubt many actors have.
While I have no real doubt that this is true – too many “toothpick” models are considered attractive for me to believe otherwise – I don’t share this belief. Quite the contrary: I not only love my women with a little meat on their bones, but if that meat happens to be muscle, so much the better! It's what I naturally gravitate towards, and I used to be a fanboy (and still am, at heart). For instance, my wife started a lifting program at the New Year, and not only is her new body giving her a new confidence, she also looks and feels great! Her weight loss and new muscles made her even more irresistible than she once was. (I know I’m biased, so you’ll have to trust me on this one.) As my friend Sabrina puts it:
It is cool to see someone affirm, intelligently; that there is something more to be gained from pumping iron. Something spiritually significant. It is nothing short of beautiful to see a woman crank her esteem of herself up a few notches. And then there are those other wonderful benefits the article mentions as well. Indeed, nothing pleases a lover more than being in the company of a partner who is truly happy within is very sexy.

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