Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quote of the Day

It's always important to ask questions, and it's important to ask yourself why you ask the questions you ask. And do you know why? Because just one slip and our questions take us places that we don't want to go. Do you see what I'm getting at, Harry? Our questions are, by definition, suspect. But we have to ask them. And that's the most fucked-up thing of all.
- Roberto BolaƱo, 2666, page 442.
His writing is simplistic, yet completely absorbing. I'm about 250 pages into the "The Part About the Crimes" section of 2666 which is a relentless depiction of an endless series of brutal murders in a border town in Mexico. It's repetative but also absorbing in the new details that he presents which continually makes each victim a unique person, and all the more chilling for the lack of attention and humanity of their ending circumstances.

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