Monday, November 30, 2009

Pulp Domestic Fiction

Alice Monroe's new book Too Much Happiness sounds fascinating. She apparently takes her domestic insights, piercing prose and applies it to more lurid subjects than we're used to seeing from her.

Her writing - short stories, all - is consistently excellent. As the NYTimes puts it:

The Germans must have a term for it. Doppel­gedanken, perhaps: the sensation, when reading, that your own mind is giving birth to the words as they appear on the page. Such is the ego that in these rare instances you wonder, “How could the author have known what I was thinking?” Of course, what has happened isn’t this at all, though it’s no less astonishing. Rather, you’ve been drawn so deftly into another world that you’re breathing with someone else’s rhythms, seeing someone else’s visions as your own.

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