Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quote of the Day, or Why Background Beats are Bad for You

People are uncomfortable in silence because it can breed needless contemplation and may engender a floating into the deeper world of the self. In our moment of deracinated intimacy, too many of us have settled for a blob of backbeats and recording-studio tricks that do not swallow but melt away in the great force of music in a perpetual submission to contrived novelty.

- Stanley Crouch, writing about Duke Ellington in the June 2009 issue of Harpers.  
I'm as guilty of this as anyone, mainly because of two reasons:
- I need music to block out perferial noises at work so that I can concentrate on what i'm writing and/or reading.
- I like the energy of music as i'm doing housework, even if i'm not necessairly listening to the actual melody.
The sad thing is that there are times when I sit and actual listen to a song that i've heard many times before in the above situations, I often get things out of it that I never knew were there. It's a shame that I don't have time to concentrate on music the way I used to.

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