Tuesday, September 26, 2023

New observations from Webb, new theories of the universe

 I recently read this article at LGM that summarized the implications of some of the findings from the new Webb telescope.  Long story short, some galaxies appear to have formed much earlier than the standard cosmology model predicts. Which leads to some uncomfortable questions about how accurate the standard model is, and points to how little we actually know about the universe. (Campos points out that our understanding has always been flawed; as I've always pondered, a system that essentially says "this equation explains everything except the odd fact that the majority of universe seems to be "dark matter" which we can't see, study, or explain" doesn't make sense.)

Of course, there's a lot of freaky shit that in the universe that doesn't make sense. Some of the models proposed to help explain these new observations are out there: the laws of physics evolving over time? Or John Wheeler, who thinks that observing the universe may cause it's behavior to change (i.e., his “participatory universe” in which every act of observation was in some sense a new act of creation.) 

I can't say I understand all of what this means but I do enjoy pondering what it could mean. It stretches the mind in good and interesting ways. I can't wait to see where this line of inquiry goes!

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