Wednesday, November 16, 2022

First Lines of Peter Wohlleben's "The Hidden Life of Trees"

 "Years ago, I stumbled across a patch of strange-looking mossy stones in one of the preserves of old beech trees that grows in the forest I manage. Casting my mind back, I realized I had passed by them many times before without paying them any heed. But that day, I stopped and bent down to take a good look. The stones were an unusual shape: they were gently curved with hollowed-out areas." 
- Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees

A wonderful little book filled with close observations about the trees all around us. Trees turn out to be so much more complex than we usually think, and Wohlleben paints an alluring picture of their life at a MUCH slower pace than we are used to perceiving. I found this book insightful and enabled me to see new aspects about the trees around me - for example, the splits in the bark of young trees that are growing too fast because they were planted away from the forest. Good stuff.

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