Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

Anyway, these ideas or feelings or ramblings had their own satisfactions. They turned the pain of others into memories of one’s own. They turned pain, which is natural, enduring, and eternally triumphant, into personal memories, which is human, brief, and eternally elusive. They turned a brutal story of injustice and abuse, an incoherent howl with no beginning or end, into a neatly structured story in which suicide was always held out as a possibility. They turned flight into freedom, even if freedom meant no more than the perpetuation of flight. They turned chaos into order, even if it was at the cost of what is commonly known as sanity.
Roberto Bolaño, 2666, page 189
Man, Bolaño knows how to write! In the first 200 pages of 2666, he's mesmerized me by being unpredictably entertaining. I don't even know what it's all about and I still can't wait to pick it up again.

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