Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Deep Thought

Teething sucks for both the infants and their parents.

I say this because we've been up good chunks of the night comforting Trey as he struggles with the pain of breaking three teeth at once. (He doesn't know how to pace himself.)

This has gotten me thinking how unique it is that human babies are so helpless for so long. Can you imagine what would happen to a rabbit, or even a tiger, if they had extreme pain when their teeth came in? They'd get attacked and eaten before they knew what hit them. It's interesting how evolution works.

Update: Oops. Turns out what we thought were teething pains were actually symptoms of an ear infection. No wonder little buddha-baby's been so upset! Don't worry tho - he's on good meds now, so things should get back to normal shortly.

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